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Omokoroa Golf Club – Board News
September 2024

Greetings Members,

  1. General Manager

It was with considerable regret that the board accepted Marcus’ resignation.  We should all be very grateful for his significant contribution to the club over the past three years of his tenure.  We wish him well for the new opportunity that he has embarked on, in a Bay of Plenty golfing business.  While he has resigned as club manager, he is not leaving the club.  Marcus’ final day as general manager is Friday 18th October.

The board has undertaken a very robust recruitment process, ably led by board member, Lynda Smith.  The position was advertised nationally, attracting 40 applications.  Of those, we interviewed 9 eminently qualified people, leading to a shortlist of 3 excellent candidates.

This week an offer was made to, and accepted by Dayne Bulloch who will commence duties on Monday 14th October.  Dayne has held full PGA membership since 1999 and has extensive experience as a golf professional, a coach, a Golf New Zealand Regional Performance Co-ordinator and as general manager and golf administrator in USA, Vietnam and several clubs within New Zealand.  In addition, Dayne holds a Bachelor of Law degree.

We should all make an effort to welcome Dayne and assist during the important transition period, as he settles into this role, which is pivotal to the ongoing success of our club.

  1. Course Master Plan

Many members will have participated in the player group presentations undertaken by Phil Tataurangi over the past week and all feedback comments are encouraged and welcome.  It must be stressed that this is a long term ‘blue print /me road map’ proposal that is intended to be progressively implemented over many years as available finances permit.  It will provide guidance for the Board, Course Advisory Group and greenkeepers (current and future).

  1. Clubhouse Renovations

Detailed concept plans have been prepared and are currently being evaluated (quantitative survey) for costing purposes.   The next step will be the preparation of detailed working plans with the intention of submitting an application for a building permit.

The Board intends to present the full renovation proposal, together with the Course Master Plan to a members’ meeting in November or December.
Included in this presentation will be a funding and finance report, outlining options.

We can assure members that the Board will not embark on this proposal until such time that we have secured funding and a regime for sustainable debt management. 

  1. Club Finances

With the near completion of the first quarter for the 24/25 financial year, we can report that we are tracking well within budget and incurring significant year-to-date surpluses in many significant line items.  This is largely due to a course utilisation that is greater than anticipated, resulting from the more clement weather through autumn, winter and spring.  Hopefully this pattern will continue through the summer months.

Omokoroa GC Chairman

Omokoroa Golf Club
07 5480384

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