Men's World
Ben Van den Boorst
Congratulations to the Winner of the Summer Cup, Paul Howell who with 37 points on Saturday managed to run down and pip runner up Steve Rumney by one solitary point. Some great scoring coming in over the course of the last few weeks, some handicaps will be coming down due to the great golf being played!
Next year we will look at altering the Summer cup to a mixture of tees chosen to play from, rather than being solely a Blue Tee competition over four weeks.
This week we have a standard Haggle, while the three Saturdays starting 1st February is the Reg Carter Trophy, which is a Best Net Competition from the white tees only.
The Greens are seeing a lot of wear at the moment, it would be great if the Mens Section could lead the way on making sure we all repair pitch marks on the greens (aim for at least one other than your own) and also making use of the new sand buckets for repairing divots on the fairways.
Important upcoming dates to remember is the Matchplay Championship - Please refer to the email that has been sent out.
Qualifying round on Saturday 22 February. The draw and individual matches start the following Saturday 1st March. Please see the information on the Mens Noticeboard regarding the structure and rules for this years Matchplay, as it is slightly different to what has been played in recent years. You must play the qualifying round as it is a critical element of the competition.
The Matchplay aims to reduce to the number of weeks the competition is played across, as well as increase the number of matches across the tournament. Depending on the number of entries there could be as many as 12-16 matches on finals day instead of just the 4 divisional finals, as we will be running plate and bowl competition elements as well.
We have agreed to a trial of starting all play from the 1st tee only on Saturdays. The trial increases the variety of tee times available to start Saturday Golf. The Mens field will now have start times from approximately 9.45am as well as the early option from 7am as usual. The trial will also give the greenkeeping staff more time to prepare the course on a Saturday so we can enjoy the best course condition possible for our competitive golf.
Pennant season is also upon us, we are looking for someone to Co-ordinate the Intermediate Pennant team, please contact the committee or see Dayne in the office to indicate your interest in this role.
Don’t forget to get your Shootout entry paid if you wish to qualify for this years shootout.
Happy Golfing everyone
Ben Van den Borst
Mens Captain
Thank you to all our Sponsors
Craig King - NZ Electrical, Philip Annan -Annan Law, Raewyn Stanaway -Barfoot and Thompson, Ben Taylor - Bethlehem Butchery, Chris Rhind - Stay Right Contracting