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Presidents Message
John 'Swampy' Marsh

The 7th cart path has been poured, and the bottom plates will be fixed early next week. Please be cautious when using carts in this area. In another week, the path should be fully completed.

The bridge on the 12th is boxed up and ready to pour. I advise taking the longer route to the 12th and 14th until this work is completed for safety reasons.

More trees are scheduled for removal. Please take relief from these areas for safety. If you require wood, contact Colin Gee.

It is crucial to repair your pitch marks on the greens. Some are looking battle-scarred, and our greenskeepers put in long hours to keep them in top condition. Please be diligent in repairing pitch marks.

Another successful Twilight Night - only three to go! A huge thank you to all our sponsors; your support ensures we have fantastic prize tables.

A big shout out to our concrete volunteers who helped with the 7th pour, and special thanks to the ladies for providing a delicious morning tea.

It’s great to see so many of our juniors enjoying their golf over the school holidays.

Welcome back to Mick Wheatley, who played on Vets Day after his recent health challenges. Also, congratulations to Alan Mayo for once again playing under his age - an incredible achievement!

On a sad note, we acknowledge the passing of Ken Ellison, one of our foundation members. Ken was a long serving member, past president (1991-1992), and an avid member of the Eagles Society. Our sincere sympathies go out to Ken’s family.

If I haven't met you yet, a warm welcome to our friendly golf club. We hope you enjoy your time on the course and become part of our great golfing community.

Happy Golfing!




Captains Corner
Daryl Muir

A big thank you to the all the volunteers for their turn out on Monday for the concreting of the 7th pathway.  Four concrete trucks in the hot sun, it was a big morning.  Well done to everybody.  Particular thanks to KD and Colin for the preparation which made the morning go easier.  Thank you to Sandra and Sue for their morning tea and coffee, bacon and egg pie and sandwiches, it kept everyone going between trucks.

Another thank you to all the members for their support for our volunteer marshals, that friendly wave and conversation helps the guys get on with the job, I know you all appreciate their efforts.

Good luck to all those playing in the Vets 3 day tournament next week.




9 Hole Ladies
Yvonne Hoskins

A big turnout on Waitangi Day for our group, with some very good scores.  We chose not to have a haggle today, and just played Stableford.  The course is in great condition and the weather was super kind.  Next week we play away at Fairview.  Welcome to our new ladies who have joined us this year.




9 Hole Men
Fred Hartley

Men’s Nine Hole Golf, Thursday 6th February

On a slightly rescheduled tee off arrangement to better accommodate green fee players on the public holiday, playing over the back nine brought up some good scoring. Playing against Par, winning individual scores were:

Colin Griffiths, Alan Poore, Tom Martin      +4
Allan Hoskins, Bruce Baggenstos                 +3

Next Week:  Back to Fairview for an away game on the Front Nine.   Tee-off time to be advised. 



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Men's World
Ben Van den Borst

Round 2 for the Reg Carter will be played tomorrow three rounds combined Nett from the white tees. 

The haggle this week will be Nett from the White Tees also. $10 to the office

Please note there has been a change to course conditions and we are currently "PLAY THE LIE" information for playing format, haggles and conditions can always be found on the whiteboard outside the starters office it pays to check this before starting your round. 

Prizegiving is held at the completion of the day once all cards have been handed in and the office has collected the pins in from the last group. At the moment that is around 4:30-5pm. 

Thank you to all our Sponsors
Craig King - NZ Electrical, Philip Annan -Annan Law, Raewyn Stanaway -Barfoot and Thompson, Ben Taylor - Bethlehem Butchery, Chris Rhind - Stay Right Contracting.




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Women's World
Debbie Clark

This last week has been Opening Day for most of the golfing groups, including the 18 hole ladies. Our two Opening Days were held on Saturday 1st and Tuesday 4th February. There was a great turnout on both days, and the competition on the day was Hidden Pairs Combined Stableford.

Saturday Winners
Hidden Pairs Combined Stableford - Dawn Rumney and Wendy Harris
NTP - Jessie Savage
Craig’s Investment Prize for Best Score of the Day - Dawn Rumney

Tuesday Winners
Hidden Pairs Combined Stableford - Pauline Page and Jan Crawshaw
NTP - Lynda Smith
Craig’s Investment Prize for Best Score of the Day - Jan Crawshaw




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Vets Vibes
Ian Howells

Wednesday the 5th February was a Stableford competition with twos and Hidden holes. Conditions were extremely hot for a field of 76 players as were the scores particularly in the 2nd Division.

Wednesday Results 5th February


Ian Hawke, John Vartha, Ron Deadman, Kenny Hewitt, Daz Dixon and Jake Lee

Haggle -  Stableford

First Division
1st David Ashton 40, 2nd Jenny Shirley 39, 3rd John Vartha 37.

Second Division
1st Ken Shirley 43, 2nd Elliot Willis 43, 3rd Mike Berry 42.

Nearest to the Pin on the 11th

First Division
Jake Lee

Second Division
Robyn Alabaster

“Outta the Blue” Hidden Holes

Tony Parkinson

Upcoming Events

Omokoroa Vets Mens and Womens Pairs Tournament 12th to 14th February, Sponsored by Omokoroa Country Estate.  No normal Vets Day next week.

BOP Vets Day 24th February at Omokoroa. Entries for the day contact Ian Jory.

To all 18 hole members (men and women), if you are 50 years or older you are welcome to join us on a Wednesday for Vets Day.  Score Cards into starters office between 8.30 and 9.00am for multi tee start at 9.30am. $5 entry plus optional $2 for twos entry.




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PaR nz Pairs Twilight 
Kerry Duggan

Congratulations to Cathy Berry and Dawn Day for winning last weeks combined stableford off the combination tees with 41 points also to Paul Howell and Alan Hitchener with 40points and on a count back David Ashton and Nick Turning also with 40points. Looks like some great golf was played. 

Only a few weeks to go.  




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Saturday Junior Golf
Sponsored by Raewyn Stanaway & Linley Ward - Barfoot & Thompson Omokoroa

Saturday Haggle Results 

1st - Liam Bosman 27pts
2nd - Kian Bosman 23pts
3rd - Sam Ryan 21pts

Make sure you book in for tomorrows haggle tee times start at 2:36pm

The Juniors are running a fundraising event on the 2nd of March all welcome not just juniors, club members, parents, grandparents

See details below

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Friday Haggle
Terry Golder

31 January 2025 (73 Entries)

Div 1
Ross Milne     38
Ross Capill      38
Ian Howells    38

Div 2
Keith Barrington-Pace    41
Jack Kotze                        40
Sandra Gee                      40

Longest Putt (Hole 9) - Mike Berry




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Omokoroa Golf Club
07 5480384

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