Presidents Message
John 'Swampy' Marsh
The 7th cart path has been poured, and the bottom plates will be fixed early next week. Please be cautious when using carts in this area. In another week, the path should be fully completed.
The bridge on the 12th is boxed up and ready to pour. I advise taking the longer route to the 12th and 14th until this work is completed for safety reasons.
More trees are scheduled for removal. Please take relief from these areas for safety. If you require wood, contact Colin Gee.
It is crucial to repair your pitch marks on the greens. Some are looking battle-scarred, and our greenskeepers put in long hours to keep them in top condition. Please be diligent in repairing pitch marks.
Another successful Twilight Night - only three to go! A huge thank you to all our sponsors; your support ensures we have fantastic prize tables.
A big shout out to our concrete volunteers who helped with the 7th pour, and special thanks to the ladies for providing a delicious morning tea.
It’s great to see so many of our juniors enjoying their golf over the school holidays.
Welcome back to Mick Wheatley, who played on Vets Day after his recent health challenges. Also, congratulations to Alan Mayo for once again playing under his age - an incredible achievement!
On a sad note, we acknowledge the passing of Ken Ellison, one of our foundation members. Ken was a long serving member, past president (1991-1992), and an avid member of the Eagles Society. Our sincere sympathies go out to Ken’s family.
If I haven't met you yet, a warm welcome to our friendly golf club. We hope you enjoy your time on the course and become part of our great golfing community.
Happy Golfing!