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General Managers Message
Dayne Bulloch

Kia ora kotou,

Is it just me or are we seeing easter eggs and hot cross buns in shops earlier and earlier each year?  

There continues to be a lot of golf occurring as we move out of summer.  Pennant competitions are well underway, and this weekend sees the start of the matchplay championships here at Omokoroa.  Behind the scenes a lot of work has been underway with the new clubhouse, and you would have seen a separate update sent out yesterday.  There is also a section on the website in the members section that will also be used to keep members updated and hard copies will be posted around the club house.

There has also been an updated dog policy, which will also be posted on the website.  No dogs are allowed on the course and are only allowed in the carpark and clubhouse surrounds if they are on a leash.  These rules do not apply to service dogs.

Also, a reminder for those using motorised vehicles on the course.  A motorised vehicle is something that is used to propel a person around the course.  This includes scooters and motorbikes.  A motorised trundler that only propels a set of clubs is not classed as a motorised vehicle.  If you are using a motorised vehicle on the course, you will need to obtain and pay for the authorisation tag to use the vehicle on the course.  These can be obtained at the office front desk.

Enjoy the week.




Junior Fundraiser - All welcome 

$40 per team

Come along on Sunday to support the junior golfers, 4 man ambrose event 2pm shotgun start 9 holes. open to all members, guests, visitors and non playing 

spot prizes, raffles, sausage sizzle. - all cash on the day

The event is being run by our juniors for our juniors so please come along and get behind them we have over 130 juniors at the club and the junior committee are doing a great job.

Please email the office with your team details we will take bookings on the day if there is space but ideally please let us know you are coming.

Spot prizes include donations from: Barfoot and Thompson (Linley Ward and Raewyn Stanaway, Fore Seasons indoor golf, Movember, Bay venues, and Brand additcion 

Also a big thank you to Ben from Bethlehem Butchery for the Sausages for the BBQ


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9 Hole Ladies
Yvonne Hoskins

This week we had a big field of keen nine hole ladies.  The competition was Round 1 of Shootout, Nett and Putting and LGU.  Winners this week were - Brenda Anson; Maria Wragg; Deborah Hardaker; Irene Hallam; Gail Latham and Lyn Bird.  Well done ladies.

Our interclub team is playing at Otumoetai this Monday against Ohope.  Good luck Rohanne Hancock; Jacqui Kerr; Pauline Thurston and Bev Hansen.  Go well.  



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Men's World
Ben Van den Borst

Well done to our top qualifiers in the matchplay championship qualifying on Saturday, Mikki Strong in Seniors, Richard Tuner in Intermediates, Greig Neilson in Juniors and Tim Stephenson in the C-Grade.

The resulting draw for the top 16 in each division has thrown up some tantalising matches across the board. Those that happen to lose their match in the championship divisions this weekend go into the respective plate draw next week. We also have bowl competitions for intermediate and Junior grades.

The draw and results can be seen by logging into the member section of the club website and viewing the event calendar. There you can click each division and competition on the calendar and watch how each division of the matchplay championship unfolds

Our pennant teams were in action on Sunday with the Championship team recording a close win over Opotiki 3.5 -2.5, individual wins to Hayden Nganeko, Zabe Orchard, and Jordan Shaw, with a half from Bryan Pirani getting the team over the line to record the overall win in the match.

The intermediate team had a hard fought draw 3-3 with Fairview, with Liam Farrell, Marcus Niles and Barry Mason all recording wins and other team members playing well and fought hard in their matches.

Our Junior team unfortunately had a close loss to Omanu 2.5-3.5, with Richard Hall & Daryn Peason recording wins, and Paul Collins halving his match.

This weekend the championship team is in action again against Rotorua at Lakeview, a good result in this match will hopefully see our team in with a great chance of qualifying for the semi-finals.  Our Intermediates and Juniors are in action at Fairview GC, go well again this weekend to all our pennant players.

The next two weekends with Saturday golf being mostly dedicated to our Matchplay championships, there is no traditional Haggle with the matchplay format taking precedence for the day. We will still have our regular nearest the pins and long drive competitions, which is free entry to all members playing on Saturday before 1pm. As the number of matches reduces from the 15th March we will have the regular haggle competition back in action then.  

Go well in your matches and enjoy your golf!

Thank you to all our Sponsors
Craig King - NZ Electrical, Philip Annan -Annan Law, Raewyn Stanaway -Barfoot and Thompson, Ben Taylor - Bethlehem Butchery, Chris Rhind - Stay Right Contracting




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Women's World
Debbie Clark

Haggle Winners 

Saturday 22nd  February
Div 1
1st Dawn Rumney    37pts
2nd Maxine Cotter     35pts
3rd Jessie Savage    33pts

Div 2
1st Michelle Carolin 39pts
2nd Mary-Jane Leuch 34pts

3rd Judy Blyth            33pts

Alma Eatery NTP: Liz Woods

Tuesday 25th February
Div 1
1st Sue Reese           40pts
2nd Glenda Street     40pts
3rd Jan Annabell      39pts
Div 2
1st Barbara Duncalf 38pts
2nd Pauline Page     37pts

3rd Sue Muir              37pts

Alma Eatery NTP: Helen Hunkin

To Jessie Savage, because her 87 on the 19th February broke her age by quite a few shots!
According to me it is the third time this summer she has broken her age, and she has equaled it many times. What a magnificent achievement Jessie.




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Vets Vibes
Ian Howells

Wednesday the 26th February was a Nett competition with twos and the 1st round of the 2025 Coffee club shootout qualifying for both men and women. Being the last Wednesday in the month it was also Bayleys Day with 76 players competing.

Wednesday Results 26th February

John Holloway, Evan Aitken, Geoff Gripton, Ron Deadman and Allen Mayo.

Haggle -  Nett Competition

First Division
1st Ian Hawke 63, 2nd Donna Dyer 64, 3rd Colin Gee 66.

Second Division
1st -John Cooper 61, 2nd Ron Deadman 66, 3rd Bruce Lewer 67.

Nearest to the Pin on the 11th

First Division
Michael Beal

Second Division
Sandra Gee

Player of the Month
Jake Lee

Upcoming Events
Mens Quads at Tauranga 3rd March 25+ players from Omokoroa competing

Vets day 5th March Stableford round and Hidden Holes

To all 18 hole members (men and women), if you are 50 years or older you are welcome to join us on a Wednesday for Vets Day.  Score Cards into starters office between 8.30 and 9.00am for multi tee start at 9.30am. $5 entry plus optional $2 for twos entry.




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Saturday Junior Golf
Sponsored by Raewyn Stanaway & Linley Ward - Barfoot & Thompson Omokoroa

Please make sure you book your Saturday golf.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible along on Sunday to the junior fundraiser. 2pm shotgun start 





Friday Haggle
Terry Golder

21st February 2025 (75 Entries)

Division 1
Steve Ingall      40
Trevor Bain      39
Glen Vincent    38

Division 2
Ian Barr          38
Jamie Lee      38
Paul Kasper   37




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Omokoroa Golf Club
07 5480384

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