General Managers Message
Dayne Bulloch
Kia ora kotou,
I have had some questions around how the one tee start trial had gone in February. Below are the comparisons from 2024 to this year.
% of Capacity
Available bookings
Members who played
Visitors who played
42.75% Avg
% of Capacity
Available bookings
Members who played
Visitors who played
63.5% Avg
The increase in membership play compared to the same time as last year is quite stark with an increase of 284 member rounds this February compared to February 2024. To ensure that February was not an anomaly we will continue the trial going for a little longer to see if the figures stay the same with more members playing in the one tee format.
Tina and Conrad are taking a well-deserved break started on Monday. There will pies, sandwiches, wraps, and slices available from the cabinet. If you are purchasing food, come into the office or to the bar to pay.
At the end of March, Nathan and his crew will have their maintenance week. This will mean the course and all facilities, including the clubhouse, will be closed from Monday March 31st until Friday April 4th.
If you aren't playing this weekend, come on out to the club to support the teams playing pennants.
Finally, if you or any one you know, would like a job for a couple of hours a week, we are looking for people to clean and water blast the carts. If you know of anyone please contact me.
Captains Corner
Daryl Muir
We have the Triangular Tournament between Omokoroa, Whangamata and Waihi on the 6th April on our course. This is a great opportunity for us to win this trophy back. The minimum team is 20 players consisting of 12 men and 8 ladies, there is no maximum field size. All Club members are welcome. Entry sheets are in the locker rooms – 10 am tee off.
Don’t forget the Rosie Tray Mixed Event on Anzac Day 25th April – more info to come.
Don’t forget the Special General Meeting on the 13th March at 7 pm. The Captains Groups and the Board would love to see your support at this meeting.
Lastly, keep using the sand buckets and repairing those pitch marks.
Colin Gee
We now have plenty of split firewood for sale if there is anyone with outstanding orders plese contact Colin 0275771987
9 Hole Ladies
Yvonne Hoskins
Last Monday our interclub team played their first match against Ohope at the Otumoetai Golf Club and did extremely well. All four ladies won their match and the team came first equal overall with Otumoetai. Both clubs were presented with a box of balls.
This Thursday, once again in brilliant weather and great playing conditions, the nine hole ladies played HomeLinks / Sue Bunt Round 1. We also had a stableford haggle. Some very good scores were recorded. First was Yvonne Hoskins with 22 stableford, followed by Margaret Griffiths and Carolyn Robinson with 21. Debbie Hardaker got 20 and Shirley Johnstone 19. Well done ladies. Happy golfing.
9 Hole Men
Fred Hartley
Men’s Nine Hole Golf, Thursday 6th March
Round No 1 Net Trophy and Putting Trophy.
Allan Hoskins 31
Lynton Holmes 33
Allan Winter 33
Spencer Tankard 35
Putting: Allan Winter 14
Vic Sterling 30
Frank Baggenstos 31
Frank Brown 32
Frank Lamborn 32
Putting: Frank Lamborn 14
Next Week: Shootout and Net / Putting Trophies.
 Men's World
Ben Van den Borst
This weekend is the quarter finals of the matchplay championships, some great matches last week with some even going to extra holes!
This year, as most of you know, there are more than the individual championship divisions being held, with plate and bowl competitions also being held in the divisions where there were enough entrants. This means there is much more opportunity for competitive matchplay for our members. Looking forward to finals day there will be up to 10 matches on the day. Only the senior, intermediate and junior championship finals will be over 36 holes, all other finals are 18 holes (unless extra holes needed)
Please if you have already completed your match prior to this Saturday, or are unable to play for any reason, let the office know as soon as possible.
Next Saturday as we are down to the semifinal stage of the matchplay, the Saturday haggle returns with non-matchplay competitors playing in a white tee haggle. This weekend with the focus on matchplay there is only our regular nearest the pins and long drive competitions, which is free entry to all members playing a round this Saturday
Good luck to our pennant teams playing at home this Sunday morning, feel free to support our Junior and Intermediate team who have their matches at Omokoroa GC starting early on Sunday morning. Also good luck to our Senior Team who are playing at Springfield in Rotorua.
Thank you to all our Sponsors
Craig King - NZ Electrical, Philip Annan -Annan Law, Raewyn Stanaway -Barfoot and Thompson, Ben Taylor - Bethlehem Butchery, Chris Rhind - Stay Right Contracting
 Women's World
Proudly supported by Craigs Investment Partners
Dawn Rumney
Saturday 1 March
1st round Match Play - No haggle
Silver - all players got a bye
Bronze 1
Janice Bell was defeated by Liz Woods 5&4.
Rae Milne beat Jan Annabell by default.
Glenda Gourley was defeated by Samantha Neilson 7&6.
Bronze 2
Judy Lewer was defeated by Vicki Colbourne 2&1.
Bronze 3
Gail Broomhall was defeated by Michelle Carolin 5&4.
Tuesday 4 March - Haggle
Division 1
1st Phyllis Crawley 38pts
2nd Sue Dark 37 pts
3rd Robyn King 37pts
Division 2
1st Ann Hunter 43pts
2nd Janice Murray 38pts
3rd Sue Muir 37pts
Phyllis Crawley No.11
Robyn King No.17
Ladies it is imperative that everybody attend the Special General Meeting on 13 March at 7.00pm. The meeting includes a presentation of the concept plan and also approval of recommended subscriptions for 2025/26 season.
Association Pennants - 10 March at Te Puke. Team is:
Wendy Harris
Dawn Rumney
Sue Reese
Janice Bell
Sue Muir
Astrid Martin
Celebrate International Womens Day with us this Sunday
It's not to late to book and play this sunday in our national celebration for international womens day in golf.
Options for all to join in
9 holes competitive
9 holes non competitive
6 holes casual new to golf
Members $15 non members $25 entry fee - includes a glass of bubbles
Prizes on the day for placings in the golf plus spot prizes plus your chance to go into the draw to win a weekend away
To register please email
 Vets Vibes
Ian Howells
Wednesday the 5th March was a Stableford competition (76 players) with twos and the 2st round of the 2025 Coffee club shootout qualifying for both men and women. Hidden holes for the month were also included.
Wednesday Results 5th March
Evan Aitken, Daz Dixon, Michael Beale, Tom Barrett, Trevor Bain and Martina Keir
Haggle - Stableford Competition
First Division
1st Mark Dodd 39, 2nd Jenny Shirley 38, 3rd Trevor Bain 37.
Second Division
1st Howard North 45, 2nd Mick Wheatley 39, 3rd Bruce Lewer 39.
Nearest to the Pin on the 11th
First Division
Mike Keir
Second Division
Ron Deadman
Hidden Holes
Carried over to next week with 8 players having same score.
Upcoming Events
Vets day 12th March 1st round of Strokeplay Championship sponsored by “Sunvue Pergolas” and Hidden Holes.
Tauranga Quad Results Progress
On Monday the 3rd March 25 of our men’s vets played at Tauranga golf club in the 4 club Quads Competition on a perfect day for golf.
Results with top ten scores counting towards trophy at each of the club venues.
Omanu – 368
Mt Maunganui – 359
Tauranga – 355
Omokoroa – 354
Close competition with the next event at Mt Maunganui on the 12th May.
To all 18 hole members (men and women), if you are 50 years or older you are welcome to join us on a Wednesday for Vets Day. Score Cards into starters office between 8.30 and 9.00am for multi tee start at 9.30am. $5 entry plus optional $2 for twos entry.
Presidents Message
John 'Swampy' Marsh
Course Updates & Highlights
Hello Members
Sorry for the absence of a newsletter over the past two weeks, I was away attending a wedding! In the meantime, there has been some fantastic progress on our course improvement projects.
- 7th Cart Path: Now complete, with KD adding the finishing touches to the contour. This will be a fantastic hole once fully done! Great to see Hugh Moleta on the digger.
- 2nd Par 5: Back in action, which means you’ll notice a change in your handicap.
- 1st Fairway: Looking much more inviting down the left now that the dangerous trees have been removed. The tree program is progressing well. A big thank you to Dave Ashton, Colin and KD for their efforts in splitting firewood. If you need firewood, contact Colin at 027 577 1987.
- 12th Hole Bridge: Taking shape thanks to Colin’s stonework, with support from his trusty labourer.
Event Updates
Our final Twilight Night was a huge success! A big shoutout to Kerry and her team for running a fantastic season, to Conrad and Tina for their delicious meals, and to all our amazing sponsors: PaR nz, Bethlehem Butchery, The Clubroom, Bayleys, Challenge (Mike & Jo), Tradestaff, and our dedicated volunteers.
On Sunday, we hosted our first Junior Tournament, with nearly 90 players enjoying a sunny day of golf. Families had a great time, and the event wrapped up with a sausage sizzle, raffles, and a well-sponsored prize table. A huge thank you to the Junior Committee Captains and everyone who helped make it a memorable day!
Course Maintenance Reminders
- Divots & Pitch Marks: Please use the sand provided on holes 1 and 10 to repair divots and fix any pitch marks on the greens—even if they’re not yours!
- Respect the Course: Our green staff and volunteer mower team are doing a brilliant job keeping the fairways and rough in top shape. Let’s all do our part to keep the course looking fantastic.
For updates on the clubhouse rebuild and finance committees, visit our website. If you're like me and not the best with phones or computers, feel free to ask me directly, and I’ll do my best to answer your questions!
Happy golfing.
 Saturday Junior Golf
Sponsored by Raewyn Stanaway & Linley Ward - Barfoot & Thompson Omokoroa
The Junior Fundraiser was a great success on Sunday last week, the junior committee did a fantastic job at putting together their first event. Well done and thank you to everyone who came out to support, the funds raised will go directly back into helping support our juniors here at the club in their satruday golf.
Tomorrow: Saturday haggle continues, make sure you book in your tee times in dotgolf $2 haggle
Friday Haggle
Terry Golder
28th February 2025 (72 Entries)
Division 1
Evan Aitken 38
Paul Cole 37
Ian Hawke 37
Division 2
Min Young Oh 41
Gary Blackler 39
Ian Graham 39
Longest Putt (Hole 9): James Alexander
2's: Keith Barrington-Pace, Min Young Oh
Raffle: Ian Graham, Frank Cable & Paul Cole
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